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Stay positive is my chant.

Driving on the Cajon Pass, listening to Billy Joel will surely pick me up. Make me happy.

When I hit traffic, happiness quickly dissipates. Then flip through song after song, trying to focus on the lyrics while I sit stagnant for traffic to move.

Passengers in the train are easy to read.
Train on time: happy passengers.
Train delayed: UN-happy passengers. Mad passengers. Sometimes when it gets ridiculously late, the more grunts and sighs can be heard and seen.

Hubby recommends I listen to Billy Joel on my way home – so I don’t notice the state of mess the house is in when I get home for I’d still be in tra-la-la land. For the sake of my sanity – I listen to both. Hubby’s advice and Billy Joel’s music.

Everybody’s happy. Happy wife. Happy life. So the saying goes.

One thing that’ll surely make hubby happy – rain. When it rains, I’m for sure I’ll get a photo of my hubby in it.


LOL. – no, not Mr. TL (Traversing Lines) or Mr. TL (True Love).

Guaranteed to make you smile.